Speech corpus of Maghrebi varieties
Researchs on the linguistic heritage of the Maghreb
The CORVAM —Speech corpus of Maghrebi varieties— constitutes a valuable tool for the study of Arabic and Berber varieties in the Maghreb in terms of teaching and research and for the preservation of language and culture in the region.
Its objective is to present and analyze audio files, recorded during fieldwork carried out in various localities in the Maghreb or with people from the Maghreb, through an interactive map from which you can access the various varieties studied. For each one of them, you will find at least one audio document, its phonetic transcription, its translation, as well as other historical and linguistic information.
This speech corpus is a result of the research team nhəḍṛu. Dialectología y sociolingüística del Magreb[1], and has been conducted at the University of Zaragoza with the participation of members from other universities and research institutes both from Spain and abroad.
[1] The CORVAM has been funded by the Spanish Economy and Competitiveness Ministry through these projects: Fronteras lingüísticas y factores sociales: perspectivas sincrónicas y diacrónicas de la región del Magreb (FFI 2011-26782-C02-01) y Patrimonio sociolingüístico en el Magreb: tradición oral y capital cultural (FFI 2014-54495-C2-1-P).
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